I love eyeshadow palettes. They're so pretty to look at and they make my life so much easier. I admit, I'm not yet one hundred percent super confident with eye makeup application. When I see other people's eye makeup photos, I'm really blown away. Haha seriously. The way some people blend colors together just looks so seamless and effortless. Sheer genius.
L-R first row: The Body Shop Smoky Grey Eyecolor Trio, Chanel Quadra Eyeshadow in Fascination, Red Earth Cote D'Azure in Sunset Glamour, Estee Lauder Pure Color Eyeshadow
L-R second row: Lancome Color Focus, Lancome Color Focus Duo,Prestige Eyeshadow Palette in Earthling and Red Earth Glamorous Affair palette in Mystic Seduction
L-R third row: Artdeco Beauty Box Magnum for Eyeshadows/Blushers
Guerlain Divinora Radiant Colour Palette in Touche de Bronze
L-R second row: Lancome Color Focus, Lancome Color Focus Duo,Prestige Eyeshadow Palette in Earthling and Red Earth Glamorous Affair palette in Mystic Seduction
L-R third row: Artdeco Beauty Box Magnum for Eyeshadows/Blushers
Guerlain Divinora Radiant Colour Palette in Touche de Bronze
Well, I know it's a tiny collection but I love every one of these babies. I saved up for them and got them over the whole year I think. The newest member of the family is the Red Earth Glamorous Affair Ultra Luminous Eyeshadow Palette in Mystic Seduction. I think it's from the fall/winter collection 2007 of Red Earth. I've been wanting to get another Red Earth palette ever since I got the Cote D' Azure Sunset Glamour one. Red Earth eyeshadows work well on me and they last long. Plus, the packaging is beautiful!!! It even has instructions on the side, so what more can I ask for? This was the first thing I bought after the holidays were over and I could finally spend on myself again. I played with it as soon as I got home. I didn't actually follow what was on the palette hehe. Oh well. So hey, I still get to experiment. There are so many different ways of applying the colors in any palette anyway.
Speaking of the holidays, I know Christmas is over, but still, I'm going to cross my fingers and I'm sending out vibes to the universe in the hopes of letting me have the following:1. Lunasol Geminate Eye Palettes

2. Awake Limited Edition Stardom Reflective Eye Quads
3. Testimo Grande Shine Eyes Eyeshadow Palettes
4. MAC Royal Assets from the Antiquitease Collection

5. Chanel 4 Fleurs de Chanel and 2008 Aurora Blues Accent Spring Collection

nice collection! :-) and wow, most of them are high end brands.
Hi Liz! I'm very kuripot so I really agonize over every single makeup that I buy. They're investments anyway. And I figured, well, I guess it'd force me to really be good so I won't waste any of 'em! Haha!
hahaha! good point!
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